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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Assignment #8

Hello, welcome to the CANADIAN HISTORY INTERVIEWS! views... views... I'm your host, JESSICA R. R... R...I got an amazing friend who can help us with seeing and talking to ghosts, so tonight we are going to talk to LOUIS RIEL Riel... Riel ... stay tuned for more on this story.

Welcome back to the CANADIAN HISTORY INTERVIEWS! views... views... Listen closely, what do you hear? CLUNK... CLUNK... CLICK... That is the ghost finder 3000 it is searching for Louis Riel. BEEP... BEEP... Oh, look it found him!

Good afternoon, or is it morning?

Actually it's evening, we were hoping that you might answer some questions for us?

Well, of course. How else would you find out what really happened?

I don't know, but I heard from a place that you never finished school, is that correct?

That is quite true, and did you know that I tried to become a lawyer? Well it didn't work out so well.

Oh really, I didn't know that. Why don't you tell us what happened after that?

Well I was learning in Montreal, and after I stopped I went to my home town, the Red River Settlement.

Actually, that area is now Manitoba.

Oh really, well I was educated and bilingual. and, shortly after that, I became the leader of the Metis. in 1869 and 1870 I Headed a provisional government, that would renegotiate the Manitoba act with the Canadian government, the act gave some rights to the British language.

Quick question, did you really choose to execute the Canadian Thomas Scott?

Yes I did and I'm not too happy about it either, if I hadn't hung his head, I would have lived longer. Sad isn't it.

Yes, well why don't you continue with your story?

Of course. Well my hanging of Thomas Scott infuriated the anti-french and the anti-Catholic people. Although I was chosen for a seat in the House of Commons on three occasions, I wasn't able to take my seat in the house. In 1875, my role in the death of Scott resulted in my exile from Canada.These years in exile included the stays in two Quebec asylums and the growing of my belief that I had a religious mission to lead the Métis people of the Canadian northwest.

And in 1884 you were teaching in Montana at a Jesuit mission.

Yes, and I was asked by a delegation from the community of Métis from the south branch of the Saskatchewan river to present their grievances to the Canadian government. Despite my assistance, the federal government ignored Métis concerns. By March of 1885, Métis patience was exhausted and a provisional government was declared.

Go on.

I was the undisputed spiritual and polital head of the short-lived 1885 Rebellion. I never carried arms and hindered the work on my military head, Gabriel Dumont. I was increasingly influenced by my belief that I was chosen to lead the Métis people. On May 15, shortly after the fall of Batoche, I surrendered to Canadian forces and was taken to Regina to stand trial for treason.

And you gave six speeches?

No, I gave three speeches. And they demonstrated my powerful rhetorical abilities. I personally rejected attempts by my defence counsel to prove I was not guilty by reason of insanity. On 1 August 1885, a jury of six English-speaking Protestants found me guilty but recommended mercy. Judge Hugh Richardson sentenced me to death. Attempted appeals were dismissed and a special re-examination of my mental state by government appointed doctors found me sane. I was hanged in Regina on 16 November, 1885. Mt execution was widely opposed in Quebec and had lasting political ramifications.

Interesting story you were great! Until next week I'm JESSICA R. R... R... and this is CANADIAN HISTORY INTERVIEWS views ... views...


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